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Pack Boats

Open Canadian Canoe Style Pack Boats

Pack Boats are a popular style of paddling, offering the hull style of an open canadian canoe but with a comfortable kayak style seat with backrest and foot pegs. This allows a Pack Boat to be paddled with either a kayak style paddle for top level touring performance or even a shorter open canoe paddle. Pack Boats generally have a great overall carry capacity with plenty of space for kit. Pack Boats from Swift Canoes are super lightweight weighing as little as 10.8kg making lifting and loading easy. There are even some Canoes that can be used in a Pack Boat paddling style.

If you can't find the spec or boat you are looking for Contact Us and we will be happy to help you with your perfect Pack Boat.

Top Selling Lightweight Pack Boats

Old Town Sportsman Discovery 119 Solo Open Canoe Pack Boat Growing In Popularity Solo Open Canoes With Kayak Seat And Backrest Great For Fishing Old Town Touring Pack Boat Canoe From Norfolk Canoes UK

Old Town Sportsman Discovery 119 Solo

The Old Town Sportsman Discovery 119 Solo compact canoe with a kayak seat or pack boat. Offering a canoe style hull and carry capacity with a super comfortable kayak style seat with backrest. Ideal for use with either a canoe paddle or kayak paddle allowing you to go further for less effort. This canoe is feature packed and can take fishing well in its stride.

  • Triple Layer Plastic Construction
  • Comfortable Kayak Style Seat & Backrest
  • Weight: 25.4kgs

Swift Canoe Crusier 12.8 - The Lightest Weight Solo Pack Boat Open Canoe With Kayak Seat Perfect For Lighter Paddlers Made From Tough Kevlar Fusion Construction - Swift Canoes UK Supplier

Swift Canoes Crusier 12.8

A super lightweight open canoe designed for smaller, lighter paddlers who are looking for a sleek, highly efficient boat with a classic designed, look and feel.

  • Super Lightweight Solo Packboat
  • Optimum Load Range: 100 - 220lbs
  • Kevlar Fusion (*Carbon Kevlar Trim) Weight: 10.88kgs*

Swift Canoe Pack 13.8 Solo Canoes Style Kayak Seat Pack Boat Lightweight Lamiante Kevlar Fusion Open Canoes UK Supplier For Larger Paddlers Or Paddler & Kid/Dog

Swift Canoes Pack 13.8

A brilliantly lightweight Pack Boat with super comfortable kayak style seat, ideal for larger paddlers or paddlers looking to carry added load be that kit, a small dog or occasionally a child.

  • Brilliantly Lightweight Pack Boat
  • Optimum Load Range: 140 - 280lbs
  • Kevlar Fusion (*Carbon Kevlar Trim) Weight: 11.7kgs*

Swift Canoe Prospector 13 Pack Boat Super Light Kevlar Fusion Pack Boats - Canoe Style Hull With A Kayak Seat For Sale From UK Supplier Norfolk Canoes

Swift Canoes Prospector 13 Pack

A super lightweight shorter pack boat multi-purpose solo Pack Boat style Canoe that takes a Canoe Hull and a Kayak Seat that make a stable, fast and comfortable boat. Ideal for a range of small to mid sizes paddlers and is easy to paddle with a longer length kayak paddle or a shorter traditonal open canoe paddle. addling adventures.

  • Ultra Lightweight Pack Boat Ideal For Small - Mid Size Paddlers
  • Optimum Load Range: 120 - 240lbs
  • Kevlar Fusion (*Carbon Kevlar Trim) Weight: 12.2kgs*

Swift Canoes Prospector 14 Pack

A best selling multi-purpose classic looking solo Pack Boat Canoe that is ideal for a range of different paddler sizes & can be paddled with a longer length kayak paddle or a shorter traditonal open canoe style paddle. The super comfortable Swift Canoes Pack Boat seat and overall super lightweight nature means paddlers who thought they could paddle no more can continue their paddling adventures.

  • Super Lightweight High Volume Pack Boat For Mid-Large Size Paddlers
  • Optimum Load Range: 150 - 400lbs
  • Kevlar Fusion (*Carbon Kevlar Trim) Weight: 13.6kgs*

Swift Canoes Cruiser 14.8

Swift Canoes Cruiser 14.8 is a super lightweight solo open canoe / pack boat, designed with a comfortable kayak pack boat style seat to allow paddling with a kayak or canoe paddle.

  • Super Lightweight Fast Pack Boat
  • Optimum Load Range: 140 - 280lbs
  • Kevlar Fusion (*Carbon Kevlar Trim) Weight: 11.79 kgs*

Swift Canoes Keewaydin 15 Pack

A super lightweight 15ft Pack Boat perfect for single day tripping & multiday expeditioning, using an asymetric, high volume canoe style hull with a super comfortable kayak style seat. The Keewaydin 15 is the dream boat for most touring paddlers.

  • Super Lightweight Touring Pack Boat
  • Optimum Load Range: 160 - 320lbs
  • Kevlar Fusion (*Carbon Kevlar Trim) Weight: 13.6 kgs*

Swift Canoes Keewaydin 16 Pack Tandem

A super lightweight tandem Pack Boat perfect for day trips or multiday expeditions, using an brillaint Keewaydin 16 asymetric canoe hull but with the added comfort of the swfit pack kayak style seat. The Keewaydin 16 Tandem Pack is the prefect boat for most touring families and couple paddlers.

  • Ultra Lightweight Tandem Touring Pack Boat
  • Optimum Load Range: 300 - 575lbs
  • Kevlar Fusion (*Carbon Kevlar Trim) Weight: 20.8 kgs*


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Open Canoes - That Can Be Used As Pack Boats

Swift Canoe Prospector 13 - A Lightweight Solo Open Canoe For Average or Lighter Paddlers, Tough Kevlar Fusion Construction - Swift Canoes UK Supplier

Swift Canoes Prospector 13

A super lightweight open canoe designed for smaller, lighter paddlers who are looking for a sleek, highly efficient boat with a classic designed, look and feel.

  • Super Lightweight Solo Open Canoe
  • Optimum Load Range: 120 - 300lbs
  • Kevlar Fusion (*Carbon Kevlar Trim) Weight: 11.79kgs*

Swift Canoe Prospector 14 Solo & Pack Boat Style Lightweight Lamiante Kevlar Fusion Open Canoes UK Supplier

Swift Canoes Prospector 14

A classic looking solo open canoe that it ideal for a range of paddlers & can be paddled either with a traditional canoe paddle or in the style of a pack boat with a kayak paddle.

  • Super Lightweight Solo Open Canoe
  • Optimum Load Range: 150 - 400lbs
  • Kevlar Fusion (*Carbon Kevlar Trim) Weight: 13.1kgs*
Nova Craft Fox 14 Lightweight Composite In Tuff Stuff Is A Fast Solo Canoe

Nova Craft Fox 14 - Tuff Stuff

Fast, lightweight solo open canoe in Tuff Stuff

  • Ideal solo touring canoe
  • TuffStuff construction
  • TuffStuff Weight: 19.1kg

Nova Craft Trapper 12 Solo Is Our Lightest Tuff Stuff Open Canoe

Nova Craft Trapper 12 Tuff Stuff

High performing lightweight solo canoe

  • Constructed of TuffStuff
  • Fantastic solo paddling performance, very stable
  • TuffStuff Weight: 17.2kg

Tandem Canoes - For Multi-Day Trips

Swift Canoe Prospector 15 Lightweight Lamiante Carbon Fusion or Kevlar Fusion Canoe

Swift Canoe Prospector 15

Designed with a symmetrical hull design meaning it is ideal for paddling tandem or solo, the Prospector 15 is quick and manoeuvrable as a solo or a smooth and stable tandem canoe.

  • Available in Expedition Kevlar, Kevlar Fusion or Carbon Fusion
  • Optimum Load Range: 300 - 550 lbs
  • Kevlar Fusion (*Carbon Kevlar Trim*) Weight: 16.8kgs*
  • Carbon Fusion Weight: 15.9kgs
The Nova Craft Prospector 16 Tuff Stuff Tandem Composite Open Canoe For Sale

Nova Craft Prospector 16 TuffStuff & TuffStuff Expedition

  • Made from Nova Craft's Amazing TuffStuff Composite Material
  • Weight Capacity: 445kgs
  • TuffStuff (*Alumin Trim) Weight: 25.4kgs*
  • TuffStuff Expedition Weight: 28.1kgs

Swift Canoe Prospector 16 Lightweight Lamiante Expedition Kevlar, Carbon Fusion or Kevlar Fusion Open Canoes UK Supplier

Swift Canoes Prospector 16

A classic open canoe that has been around since the beginning and is still as well loved by everyone now. Offering plenty of room for gear, but still being a responsive and stable tandem canoe.

  • Available in Expedition Kevlar, Kevlar Fusion or Carbon Fusion
  • Optimum Load Range: 350 - 600 lbs
  • Kevlar Fusion (*Carbon Kevlar Trim) Weight: 17.2kgs*
  • Carbon Fusion Weight: 16.3kgs

Swift Canoe Keewaydin 16 Combi

A nimble open canoe ideal for touring paddlers looking for a lightweight canoe for weekend or week tripping. The Keewaydin 16 combi can be paddled solo or tandem an ideal multifunction family open canoe.

  • Available in Expedition Kevlar, Kevlar Fusion or Carbon Fusion
  • Optimum Load Range: 300 - 575 lbs
  • Kevlar Fusion (*Carbon Kevlar Trim) Weight: 17.6kgs*

Other Lightweight Open Canoe Options

Lightweight Solo And Tandem Nova Craft Open Canoes

More Lightweight Open Canoes

Nova Craft make a whole range of canoes from their brilliant Tuff Stuff lightweight material. These canoes are ideal for a wide range of uses from day touring to multi-day camping trips and expeditions and great for solo canoeing use.

Other Options

We stock and supply the best ranges of Canadian Canoes from the leading manufacturers. The models listed above are our most popular models, checkout our brand pages below for even more canoes available.

Nofolk Canoes range of Nova Craft Canadian canoes
Norfolk Canoes Are the Leading Swift Canoe Dealer For The UK
Norfolk Canoes Sell The Pelican Canoes Range
Enigma Range of Open Canoes